Friday, December 28, 2012

Guild Wars 2 --news from china

Recently, the company ArenaNet spent seven days in China, discussing with agents play Guild Wars 2 and its future. Guild Wars 2 Gold  In particular, we are talking about PvP, major update in 2013, and the friendly game to the players single.

To start the players alone. At this point in Guild Wars 2 dynamic events can be found on almost every corner, but almost all of them are designed for multiple players. According to the developers, in the future will be added ?monomer active dynamic events? - events that will be triggered for a single person. Thus, the game will become more friendly to players of a loner.

Then it came to PvP. ArenaNet said that in the near future, we are waiting for the ability to customize their own PvP arenas! For example, players can customize game modes - survival, capture, five rounds of tournaments, capture the flag, playing time and a lot of others. In addition, the promised ability to invite other players to observe the match.

Well, the latest news - in 2013, it is planned output of the first large-scale additions to the Guild Wars 2 . It is likely that it is waiting for us including a new profession (this information is not confirmed, but we are definitely waiting for something amazing.)

Guild Wars 2 Gold

Monday, November 5, 2012

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter single brush the highest difficulty purgatory device experiences

A little cold reality:

1. 1.05 open service since many people play DH are very disappointed that DH weaken too much, directly into the "True hidden class". The main reasons are:

Compared large gap between the barbarians.

2. 1.04 swept all 15-300K panel DPS, monster blood in front of tens of millions worth mentioning.

3. Too fragile. Difficult dead into the dog. . . .

4. Suit equipped with barbarians gap. Old Inner's suit in difficult worthless the new Inner's suit seems to have a bug, only shoes out of the high sensitivity version.

My personal understanding is as follows for the above four points

1. Compared barbarians difference

Indeed, I have seen the video of the top-Manzi compare my results are as follows.

BOSS 300K DPS to barbarians my 220K DPS Demon Hunter

Skeleton King + Magda 4 minutes 7 minutes

Gangm + Laka Northrop 3 minutes, 6 minutes, 28 seconds

Kule + destroy the beast 4 minutes 7 minutes and 20 seconds

From the time point of view, the gap is too big, high efficiency doubled, and indeed there is a big gap, I have to admit DH before the barbarians, no advantage at all.


A) my DH is not the top, DPS there is room for growth, my rings, necklaces, La Kuni are very general. The facelift enhance 40K DPS is still feasible. So that the gap will be reduced.

B) Why keep the barbarians to compare it? Various occupations have their own wonderful, I liked DH Amazon with Assassin mixture.

2. DPS insufficient

A) most of the players are in the low difficulty MF only real challenge themselves, or the team hit the ring to fight key when it went to 10 difficulty? At least, I have not seen that player MF 10 difficulty. For me personally, I have in difficulty the MF 5-7, although the longest time to play, I was 10 difficulty four hours did not die.

B) 1.05 blood increase too much, we can not find the feeling once electric ball swept. This naturally fall from the vertex feel bad, but other occupations is in fact the same.

C) In fact, the DPS also can enhance my DH, panel 220K, but in minutes, I can Laka Northrop caused a damage of 60 million. The actual output of the DPS 1million. The skills to build or help.

3. Too fragile

In fact, this is due to historical reasons. 103,104 since everyone in the mad heap DPS, to abstain from blood. For example, everyone likes the Inner's pants, contrast gold pants, Inner's pants lost at least 100 points of physical fitness and the 80 points the whole anti-attack, as well as a random affixes, this ball back, Armor, pickup distance affixes.

We look back now, DPS only survive in the case is DPS, or all the interviews. However, 1.04 universal child strange era gone, not to forget the past and look forward.

4. Inner's suit

Once the old and the new the Inner's suit contention, uproar. Basically died down now, 105 here the old Inner's suit basically worthless.

The new Inner's suit is all very well, However, the high sensitivity of the equipment in addition to shoes, basic 170-200 agile, according to the arsenal has random properties in this file! The Inner's head on worse crit rate takes a random affixes.

Respect to equipment is a single holding disaster child with the deceased estate, this is my current equipment. The actual effect, this high-end DH already can sweep 10 difficulty.

Contact between the commandments, hate, IAS

The DH to be precepts and hatred constraints so with Na sets to solve precepts crit Reply precepts Reply the precepts bat Reply ruthless hate high attack speed Reply hatred so solutions.

I tried a variety of ways, the conclusion is relying on attack speed, high critical strike with hatred consume little spikes trap, basically the perfect solution to the problem of precepts and hatred. Threefold. Worry about the precepts worry about the hatred, the output is also high!

A) hate

Hatred total: 125 points

Hatred Reply quantity: own every second 6.48; 3:00 tied hammer shells produce 3, IAS, one second a 9:00, that is 15.48 points per second.

Hatred consumption: Spiked trap consume 30 points. Sentry consume 30 points.

Then we look to attack when:

The first of three spikes trap, a Sentry consumption 120 points hatred.

Then tied hammer bomb attack.

Spiked trap one second explosion, the first bombing took 3 seconds to restore hatred 46.44 points. Then again and again put the trap will not be broken, Sentry excess release of hatred.

B) precepts

Old Inner's suits: in the face of difficult, really has to exit the stage of history.

Ruthless bitter fruit: 105, control is king the Thunderball stun survival protection and output protection.

The crit back precepts: high attack speed is close to perfect.

My 3 attack speed, the 67.5 critical chance, when alone kill a boss, still can do unlimited Shadow Power. Before, the 65 critical chance and attack speed of 2.85 can be done single kill a boss of the infinite power of Shadow.

Crit Reply the commandments need a passive skill does it cost-effective?

Popular difficult under "First of all, calm sniper" waste no available at.

Then, the mechanical tuning, six traps, I build inside will lead to lack of hatred, so give up.

Finally, anesthesia trap, this is indeed a very meaningful, so I really make a choice about it, 20% damage reduction is still very impressive. Of course, if the grenade hit return, more valuable. If my blood anti-attack, I will use this skill to replace perfectly.

2. Survive

Armor, anti-attack, blood, dodge, reply means of constraints.

Armor: I am very difficult to Armor heap to 4000, for which the expense of 100 points in the quiver agile, everyone can see my quiver plus 101 Strength. 3,000 Armor can provide 50% avoidance points to 57.7% in 4100. This value is basic to achieve.

Resist attack: 104 has been DH resist attack has been ignored, however, resistance is the last straw DH can seize equipment! Armor can not be improved, or difficult to upgrade to that level with the barbarians. However, the anti-aggressive, 800 anti-attack DH entirely feasible! Not income linearly decreasing linear decreasing income is still income can not upgrade the armor.

Blood: 10 difficulty, an Arcane attack injury Shadow I 9000 life, an Arcane general attack three times, that is 270K blood, the two Arcane 54K blood, the damage is still very scary.

I wear is mask of tarascha. Tal Rasha's mask is very good, give me an increase of 20,000 life, and most importantly, the price is not expensive! On helmet of Binuotaya, 20000 blood, 80 + whole anti-attacks-for-20 commandments, 400 Armor, compared with a low price, I think that it is worth.

Dodge: This is not to say, all the rest is easy. Dodge high a lot of fun. Magda Swarm equal halved damage. 2500 agile, 4X% dodge all DH are simple things.

Recovery: not say too simple, unlimited Shadow Power!

3. Output

Always adhere to the station playing the spiked traps echo is the best output. The panel DPS is 220,000, but in fact, one minute of Laka Northrop caused a damage of 60 million, the actual output is 1 million.


Or witch with the frozen sword (blue anger) or Demon Sword (Mizraim Williams), to maximize the attack speed and anti-attack, physical, intellectual (to enhance the intellectual order to the whole anti-attacks.

5. Equipment

I would like to talk about their feelings for the equipment of several hot, hope to be useful.

A) the Natalya package:

Really just a three-piece suit, and even two-piece!

First, the 50 points precepts can not solve you precepts life problems. Secondly, the head of the property is too bad.

Besides two-piece. Keep clothes and rings, the shoes replaced ice climbing, which I have tangled long program. Finally, I have enough blood or put on shoes. Compare the non Need high-end ice climbing and shoes:

Property Natalya shoes climbing by

Agility 280 +130 260 +58

Physical 60160

life% 0 11%

7575 of all anti-

Movement speed 120

Damage reduction 60

No affixes can ball back to pick up distance, Armor Movement speed stands to reason can also be? But not seen.

We can see the general, Natalya shoes more than climbing a 100 agility, 6% melee damage reduction, as well as Movement speed. But climbing by more than 100 physical and 10% of the life, as well as a useful affixes. These two are actually similar price, to see all the trade-offs.

B) affixes

In general, each piece of equipment has a six affixes basically full, but I understand, Shoulders, belt, pants or respective redundant affixes.

For example, a glove. Attack speed, crit, crit damage, agility, physical fitness, anti-, six could not more. We look pants: agility, physical fitness, the whole anti-attacks, holes, after 5 affix a redundant affixes pickup range and the ball back can. Similarly, belts and Shoulders, full anti sensitive body life% after 5 affixes can also Armor ball back distance.

Of course, Shoulders and belt, ward off evil witch different moments or can, depending on the overall mix of the personal how to do trade-offs. Pants, without a doubt, the gold pants no the legendary equipment can substitute.

C) Jordan

Jordan can increase skill damage elite harm, actual use of it is very impressive. However, my build is inappropriate, I like the whole anti-attacks, I like the attack speed, or loss of viability is not always such a DPS back. I have a 6 Poison Damage, 30% elite injury, the 10 commandments, 12 traps hurt Jordan, sealed. In addition, the ice Jordan on DH useless, after all, the physical output of skills can not use.

D) bow, crossbow gun, crossbow

Are good, but crossbow, archery specialization can be removed to, after all, 105 inside and 50% critical damage dispensable. The bow is a bit do not understand.

6. Skills

A) prance

This skill replace smoke. I found that the smoke is actually useless. And prance, can let you quickly moves to leave, such as three-blasphemy Arcane ball center seventy-eight hockey spells threat area.

B) wild boar

This depends on personal preference, I like it supple body. . . . . And ready to go + Battlefield medical swap. We can actually operating under. Single kill siege to destroy the beast + Kule, must bring wild boar, which can play a very good role in contain monoclonal antibody to destroy the beast.

C) Sentry

My lack of DPS, consider output, Sentry output average about 35K, and that is one second 100K, fairly substantial. Also you can put the two, there is harm reduction.


Diablo is a perfect system, the characters, skills, equipment, are combined, not too complicated, a lot of things can be achieved by thinking, sometimes unable to do anything, found that a change in equipment, a change in the skills of thinking, can still solution. It is also a pleasure. I can not give a standard, tens of thousands of blood, hundreds of anti-attack, how much DPS can sweep the difficulty, in fact, these are their own to find a more fun, is not it?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dragon Nest two years Saints career, sharing personal saints plus point

I play Saints for nearly 2 years, I have experienced from the prosperity of the saints, now slightly fading, I have read a lot of posts about the plus points, on a whim, and also to talk about.

First, the pastor, worship, and saints, each of the three class how many points, we should be clear, I think, the sacrifices and the Saints to the point with full, added to the rest of the pastor, is pastor of 47 points, and the festival 107 points, Saints 13 points.

Come to talk about the class:

First Pastor: 47 points added to pastors how to add? We look at those who have to fill, to fight back, sliding, cure, floating the hands of a cure, these total spent on 21 points, 26 points left, look at the strength to master this skill, 5 points change 15% of the blood This is a good deal, I would suggest to fill thorns this skill, I think no need to add this skill only monomer less injury for the Saints this rough skin and flesh of the class, I think it is not necessary, after all, the protection of the shield, blood rods also have the effect of reducing injuries and no need wasted in the above point, look at the mental training and pre-spirit master, my opinion, should be trained, or add 3 points, so you never have to Blue tangled, if your equipment is good, a lot back to the blue speed +25%, you can add a little less, but absolutely can not fail to add, should the equipment can only accelerate the speed you back to blue, back to blue or this spiritual training.

Mental training plus 3, so spent the 30 points, and the remaining 17 points, we see Chain Lightning skills for the the Saints number of modest output of one of the skills, plus must add, plus how much? The skills of this output, 6, 11, 16 is a jump, we know everything, and the remaining 17 points are all added to the chain lightning, just 15, with one Skill Ring is 16.

Spiritual training to fill four, that is left to 16 points, less than 16 such chains plus, plus he added 10 ring with skills to 11, a jump, so with the 43 points and the remaining 4 points can be added to a shield block, shield block once nirvana tasteless now, really a bit deep feeling, I added two, at least in mortal time, I can press shield block, give yourself a comfort.

Second is the ritual: plus point for worship, we first analyze who must fill first, milk rods, healed, master the magic wand, the relentless fight against bright respiratory protection Shield fill should be no objection, and to use ruthless ring of combat skills, and cure of hand skills necklace, miracle plus one, we strongly recommend adding a for miracle should be one to teammates plus buff skills, output is not a skill, one and two pairs plus buff no difference, so plus one is sufficient, even if such saints to complementary skills plus finished, the total spent on 55 points, we have the following skills to give the Saints selected several output:

Flashlight, 50EX without point, might as well play Raytheon go. I chose to add 11. Lightning storm, the main monomer output skills, I think is a the Saints even worship this career monomer output to force the skills to fill no problem at all, electro-optic the arrows and spirit training to do the front, plus one. Holy Spirit Storm full level 10 to 11, this skill skills necklace with kamikaze as the Saints only a group of skills to fill should be no problem, and with the skills necklace, output that to force groups, with who knows . The total spent on 102 points, and the remaining 5 points, and I chose to add to the Holy Spirit Cross, to add it to the 6, can be considered all output skills, though not very force. Of course, these 5 points can also be added to thunderstorms or the light of the Holy Spirit. I think that the saints to his teammates to take care of a good, threw several output skills is also very good.

The rest of the Saints points: full fill, 15 points, just run out.

In addition, I think that the Saints this occupation is not suitable 11PK, so I did not buy the skill tree, only go to 11 each week to play 10 games, mixed the Points.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Diablo 3 Demon Hunter experience: property location

Generally attribute the trend

1. Agility-based, additional physical, extra-wide anti-attack:

"Agility-based, additional physical "we all know, anti-attack, so is the best!

But if you can walk a bit to make up for this one, in fact, the whole anti-attacks is not necessarily necessary (if encountered very troublesome combination or playing king may be more dangerous even with Shadow)

2. Critical chance:

I explain, there may be a doubt have a hundred paces why should brace basic critical chance a basic critical chance from 5 jump to 100 and the jump from 30 to 100, the time difference of 10 seconds. Basic explosion high rate of more than 10 seconds burst few ...

So the output naturally be affected, and sustain up to 40 or more, you can Mast removed to (vary), and enhance the basic output will be more stable.

3. Critical damage:

Critical chance has a course is critical damage

I believe there will be a doubt, critical damage of the upgrade to how much? Course, the higher the better! But critical chance is not until the benefits of critical damage.

4. Precepts:

This is an essential life-saving skills, if funds are limited, you can start quiver and cape to start, if the funds will slowly increase, it is recommended to change Inna's suits, but I would not say that that Inna's suits are necessary! Was also not to choose, it must assess ourselves.

5. Attack Speed:

Not taught me this will be the last to choose, the speed can steadily increase the DPS, but in practice the efficiency and not more than critical damage to important.

Single brush part: you can not stand still shooting efforts (of course, is that possible but can not guarantee 100% DPS is high enough), the most important thing is to walk, evade far recruit, so that it is impossible to have been shot.

Part of the team: If someone pull a monster, of course, speed is part of the will, especially significant, but the most important and critical chance.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Diablo 3 game card initialization solution

Method One:

The method provided by the icDEADppl

There are two computers in my home, until the normal game. One of the problems: since 1.05 launch initially unable to update, I update a good game files copied to another computer. The problem computer after the successful landing several games, but still frequent card initialization.

Another computer on the same router everything is normal, so I was very surprised. After several rounds of groping after, I think the system services. Then one by comparing the two computers open system different items. Finalized disabled the network location identification service (NetworkLocationAwareness) lead problem, open the service, the issue is resolved.

Only tested on their computer. Still can not guarantee 100% solve the problem on your computer, you might as well give it a try.


Settings - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services, SevondaryLogon service set to start, the service will be a variety of optimization tools disabled, disabled will not be able to update Diablo 3.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Diablo 3" Online repair: monster damage reduced

On October 23, "Diablo 3" online repair finishing, monster damage reduced and slightly weakened the content.

Listed below are a list of patches that solve a variety of games and services Diablo III. Online patch update server, without requiring you to download a new patch. The following portion of the patches will not take effect until they are mounting, while others may need your server restart to take effect. Please keep in mind that some issues need to conduct a client patch updates can be solved.

October 23


Purgatory difficulty of all monsters strength grade, the proportion of monster damage bonus reduced by approximately 25%.

The magic key guard Sa Ruisi make the following changes:

Not generate phantom or fast affixes again.

Skill damage in lower values.

Reduce his ice attacks led to the slowing effect.

The decrease in the size of trace.

BUG fix

Fixed players switching chapters "goat" play the drums and led to server crashes.

October 18

Bug fixes

Fixed conflicts bit plane "super" Skeleton King or (Chaos planes) "Super" Laka the Northrop send to the world outside of the game may lead to the collapse of the problem.

Fixed "super" siege (turbulence planes) to destroy the beast in a players move simultaneously in mid-air with the roar of his attack may cause a crash.

Fixed error occurs when the monster with a rebound harm affixes a pet trigger not harm.

Fixed location outside of the game world when Arcane blessing monster out Arcane beam may cause a crash.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Diablo 3 expert mode witch doctor's insight and experience sharing

In fact, it can not change. Boring play in normal mode before running HC mixed under was to contribute to the growth of HC ...... helpless engage afraid of her husband systems, all the free molecules have regression STD. HC or return to calm, even more so. Because new blood, old players are mostly AFK, or semi Cultivation mode, so the current HC can be described as a desolate (especially Asian clothing) from AH sales transactions will be able to speak for themselves. Farm things usually see eye to eye on the discharge auction, whether it is 60 full or 51 to 57 upgrade something, even put a 2-4 million price rarely cares.
Above background accountable. Well officially entered the theme! The title did not specify the theme ... mainly because they are not sure to say something, not throwing eggs.
You say clearance reflections, I did not go to the fourth act. So not eligible nonsense (and clearance text more than enough, more than a few, nobody cares one less). You write professional experience, I have also written articles about hunting magic and witch doctors. But in fact, everyone is different cognitive skills and familiarity, I can own that is out to share with you the best. Do you need to personal preferences, no one can force you to ...
Given the rise of the witch doctor 1.0.4 since, so some people have defected to the witch doctor embrace. Indeed, after the revision, the witch doctor, the changes of active skills, passive skills liberation, making the profession play becomes more diversity and strong. The mainstream push Bear and acid rain have their own supporters. Evident from the excitement of just getting 1.0.4 invisible land. HC compared to STD in the play is based on conservative life insurance-based, but the general trend is the same as the direction of development, are in the life insurance at the same time improve the DPS increase efficiency, so the chance of more equipment falling again from good equipment to obtain a sense of accomplishment.
But 1.0.4 if you also focus too life-saving skills, this fact affect the efficiency of the above mentioned problem. Outlook 1.0.5 the design intent, the whole is also focused on efficiency issues to build. After all, 10 seconds killed the strange, who also do not want to spend one minute to go and killed?
I pushed Figure property is blood around 58,000, the resistance 600, Armor 5000, hit 600 dps 17000 with skills are Spirituality (+3 seconds), large non-toxic (back to blue) vampire dog, 4. violent corpse, acid rain 24 yards, 6 frog rain. 2 equipped with the effect of abnormal necklace blindness and belt frozen, push the act once the spring of Columbia did not appeared. Especially after a large non-toxic, basic station line and can kill the elite. Efficiency compared pushed Bear is far worse, the general common attributes Elite take about 30 seconds to resolve the fighting consumption to two major non-toxic to encounter metamorphosis property killed ... so I generally are Farm first and second act, boredom before going to the third act to lift their spirits ...
The Farm first and second act attributes: MF 5 layer 220 configuration about 45,000 blood, resistance close to 600, Armor 5200, hit 600 (because the weapons did not change, become the only body mf equipment) about dps 18000, with skills: soul stroll revenge Wraith, bite Gorefiend dogs, evil evil giant corpse, zombie bear and heroic sacrifice. Attribute how efficient in the first and second act MF it? The actual really is elite property in the first act basically can not stand my blue a time to die off. Act II now just need to burst one dog will almost pushed once (of course, I say bring Witch) is a single-player game below to reasonable arrangement skills:
Soul stroll. I do not understand why some witch doctors actually use this skill when it will consider other Rune, what blood back back to the blue, without a Rune can comparable to +3 seconds prolonged time, whether it is used to escape or strikes, +3 seconds are extremely powerful, so you fault tolerance and security is greatly enhanced. (After waitfordie classmates correction, spirituality Rune extended to three seconds, +1 s invincible this point I really always thought skills introduced three seconds longer, misleading Sorry but 3 seconds also used to will not be altered.)
The Revenge onryou. This skill instead of a vampire, 230% damage mobs basic seconds. (With the spiritual line is perfect)
Many witch doctor bite Gorefiend dogs and evil ghosts giant corpse account with pet 1.0.4 strengthen these two skills are essential. The vampire dogs is the integrated value of the highest violent corpse in a violent time DPS is very high, high enough to be of any elite, can be singled out because pet inherits your crit critical injuries attributes. I layout crit 20%
Zombie bear, this is a witch doctor has been the most powerful DPS skills, I believe that the future regardless of how changes in this skill does not change too much. (Acid rain, I believe that sooner or later, and ultimately, which knifed, although I really do not want to see!) Generally a blue push 6 to 8 times. Back to blue equipment plus the passive support if about 10 times.
Here, saying the ghastly feast is pushed bear the main passive one to eat blood cell whether to restore 10% mana, improve intelligence, increase resistance or increased damage, which are passive irreplaceable outbreak skills, I harvest + ghastly support, DPS to more than 40,000, a bear explosion 9w damage.
Martyred skills in addition to providing back to blue, 275% of the damage is very impressive.
Passive: soul normalized body, ghastly feast, blood rituals, or strong loyalty (push Figure with). Because now equipped to improve both blood armor and resistance in the layout are easy to reach hurt credit more than 60% to 65%, so the jungle tenacity has not required a diminishing problem, the actual a 20% reduction will more than about 10% or less. This passive if your pet is not as strong loyalty, witch doctors can also consider early adaptation jungle days.
This is a standard set of push Bear explosive dog stream, but if these skills are personally tried to use would you believe it? 1.0.4 an open service test all the skills and passive mix In fact, there is a lot of skill mix is ​​very safe and efficient, but better than But push Bear. Therefore, before finally returning to the mainstream ... In fact, I want to bring out that want everyone to do more to test other skills, skills come also several multi-experiment with different mix to make you better adapt to your career.
For example, I tried to use firebombs as the main attack skills (Rune bounce fire bone skull bouncing up to 2 times) with the passive penetrate the fog of support, you do not need to take into account the problem of blue, DPS is also very efficient ... I test also The Boss battle Bichon slower. The end of the elite fighting basic faster than acid rain.
My equipment 1.0.4 previously, only mixed in the first act. Open 1.0.4, equipment has greatly improved in the fall and attributes. Attributes when I pushed the second act, the blood is only 40,000. Is firebombs and + witchcraft pushed back to the blood runes Figure, efficiency is not to say, appalling. So go back to the first act decisively continue to Farm. Body equipment, basically the whole fight itself, rarely spent time in the auction house. Something not too expensive or despise.
Finally, explain (originally almost finished. Pages pressed the wrong no more than half of the text ... so write more incoherent) above reflections are from the heart, every word painstaking!